Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 4 - 8

Powerpoints on Moodle available here.

Monday, February 4
Objective: Describe the characteristics of the integumentary system.
Chapter 6 Powerpoint on moodle (see top for link)

Tuesday, February 5
Objective: Describe the characteristics of the integumentary system.
Chapter 6 Powerpoint on moodle (see top for link)

Wednesday, February 6
Objective: Locate and describe the functions of the structures of the ingegumentary system.
Lab 11

Thursday, February 7
Objective: Describe the structure of bones.
Chapter 7 Powerpoint on moodle (see top for link)
Answer these questions:
1. Explain the function of the 3 layers of skin.
2. What similarities exist in the way nails, hair, and epidermis are formed?
3. Distinguish between the activities necessary to heal a wound in the epidermis and those needed to heal a wound in the dermis.
4. How is skin peeling after a severe sunburn protective?

Friday, February 8
Objective: Quiz covers all weekly objectives.
Quiz over integumentary system and the structure of bones.

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